Thursday, July 26, 2018


today while i was getting my daughter ready for bed she inexplicably clung to me and held me tight. she let out a soft whimper that seemed to let me know she just wanted to hold her dad tight. we stood there holding each other in silence and i thought about what a tender moment it was. then i thought about how when she grows older she won’t remember any of it. it choked me up. she looked concerned. i had to explain as best i could to her that her dad wasn’t hurt. they were “good tears.” after i put her to bed i contacted my parents. i told them what happened, how i felt and that i loved them. they, in turn, got choked up and told me they loved me. today marks the day the government was supposed to reunite all the children separated from their families at the border. they missed the deadline. there are still 700 kids alone and scared wondering where their parents are. the part of me that felt what i felt today wasn’t a “liberal” or a “democrat.” i felt what i felt because i am a dad. if these kids being separated from their families doesn’t cut you to your core. if it doesn’t make your stomach turn. if it doesn’t make you feel grief and rage (especially if you’re a parent)...well, there’s nothing i can do to convince you otherwise. there’s no stronger point i can make. there’s nothing i can say except may god have mercy on your rotten fucking soul.